Of Reflections And Revelations.

I look at the mirror hoping I could look into it, because all I can see on the surface is pother of a human being. Maybe it’s best that I don’t look inside and find a person who is becoming disgruntled and obsessively turning into a taciturn. Is that shying away from the reality? No. It’s choosing to carry on and amending things on the way rather than getting stuck on the same inanity every, single day. It is a task to get through one day at a time. I hate it when people like to live their lives as it comes; one day at a time. It drives me insane. Probably it’s the simplest thing to do therefore making it impossible for me to fathom.

The more I think about where I am in life and what I am doing, an image comes to mind. And it haunts me. It vexes me. And the more I analyze it the more apt it gets. I feel like a donkey slogging after a dangling carrot; a pejorative life in the making. Sadly, I have come to a point where the carrot doesn’t look enticing enough and I still have to slog after it. Blah!

Now I want a carrot cake when it seems I don’t deserve the carrot in the first instance! Blah!

~ by thesolitarydreamer on June 15, 2009.

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